What an experience debating this topic at Cross Coaching™ was! Do you need the experience to have the experience?
Do you fall into the trap that parents and teachers unconsciously pass on? Do you think that only after some time has passed, you will have the experience you need to manage yourself, your career and others better? Or do you dare to tap into your inner wisdom – that we all possess, no matter our age – and confidently declare that which you sense makes sense? The latter approach is the bolder one; but bold expression is rarely encouraged at home, school or work, is it? Too bad, because that’s what my Cross Coaching™ events stimulate. Full expression!
I call the Cross Coaching™ experience advanced networking for a reason. As members get engaged in the discussions – instead of spewing forth rehearsed promotional scripts to which most of them are not connected – they are revealing and developing themselves at the same time. This creates a space for others to do the same and builds a trust that can lead to relationships and business development later. Amanda’s realization, for example, that yes, her business caters to family’s who need her organizational experience and child care skills; but a community can be a family too. Now she can structure her marketing differently.
So, can experience be gained only by living it? Or, if we add wisdom to the equation do we dare to tap into the experience of feeling we know what we need to know for what’s critical for the current experience? What if it’s a balance of both? Leslie applied the experience she gained from raising her kids to improve the health of the clients she coaches. Yet, should we ask how parents manage to raise kids so well without prior experience? Perhaps Leslie could coach her clients equally as well without that experience? Thought provoking stuff. Apply it to your business and you might accelerate your personal and business growth.
Jim felt that his years of experience sometimes got in his way – mostly because he had to learn how not to verbalize all of it! Annetta saw the value in having experience – because it’s often how others gauge a new business owner. What if you could confidently grasp your confidence enough to portray to potential clients – or people that may refer you to some – that you possess the experience of wisdom and knowledge and instead invite them to dispel their notion that experience demands time in the field or industry. I’m all about communication and how well you frame yourself, so that others quickly grasp that and are drawn closer to the picture you paint. Close enough to want details!
Gabe asked a very relevant question. How long do you wait until you declare you have the experience you feel you or the client need? We should all be self-monitoring our self to practice this! Are you still waiting to be experienced enough or do you – as most highly successful people do – just get on with it? Are you willing to just know you have what it takes? To tap into your wisdom? To trust providence to support the emergence of talents you know you possess already – experience or no experience!
Rita shared that she has always been self-aware enough of her ‘experience’ and has built a thriving massage practice because of that confidence in her experience – experienced or not! That prompted Mark to say that he has developed a quiet arrogance, which he learned to balance with humility, that inspires his clients to have confidence in how he manages their retirement funds. Perhaps this supports my notion that if you frame yourself well enough, clients won’t have to ask how much experience you have; they will simply get that you have experience!
Come and experience Cross Coaching™. It’s limited to 20 people.
Be lamps unto yourselves; be your own confidence. Hold to the truth within yourselves. Buddha
www.mycrosscoaching.com or RSVP on my www.meetup.com site. Look for Johns Creek Business Connect Meetup.
Peter Gibson, Realtor, Speaker, Author, Founder of Cross Coaching™
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