Where We Meet

Cross Coaching™ Meets 8.30a.m. – 10.00a.m. 1st and 3rd Thursday each month and 1st Thursday only Nov/Dec 

Location: Scooters Coffee 550 W. Crossville Road, Roswell GA 30075  

Text 770.317.1009 to request to join the group. Limited to 12 attendees.

FEE: No fee…for now!

(Personal Coaching sessions $95.00 per hour)

email: gibsonpeterg33@gmail.com 


Facilitator: Peter Gibson, Team Isabelle Gibson Harry Norman REALTOR®, Creator of Cross Coaching™, Top Nikken Wellness Rep’ since 1995, Founder Atlanta Pétanque League, Husband, Father, World Traveler. 

Cross Coaching™ Where Conversation Connects to Improve Business and Relationships.

Conversation, and the language you use to craft it, creates everything.

To create something, you must connect with someone who can help you clarify and language better what you are creating, to consciously lead you to results. 

Cross Coaching is like a pick-up basketball game, but here we play with language instead to craft conversations that create slam dunks in business and in life!

Join us as we commit to the selected topic and informally leverage on shared wisdom to set goals, cut through challenges, share solutions, dissect decisions, prod our perspectives, brew on our beliefs, and empower each other to grow!


Peter Gibson has over 40 years experience in a variety of careers and business ventures – Hotel & Restaurant Management, Corporate Travel, Meetings & Convention Management, Corporate Director of Sales, Upscale Bartending & Catering Business Owner, Real Estate Investor, Venture Capitalist, Direct Sales/MLM Top Earner, Realtor, Author, Speaker, Creator of Cross Coaching™ and Founder of The Atlanta Petanque League. I have also traveled the world – solo and with family (68 countries). I am the father of an Eagle Scout and the husband of an amazing woman.

Option A: Contact me at gibsonpeterg33@gmail.com for private coaching sessions that improve your communication, presentation, marketing and sales skills via the deeper exploration of language.

Option B: Join and attend my Cross Coaching™ to experience the group dynamics of peer to peer authentic, committed, conversations designed to craft how to connect and clarify the language needed to better lead you to your intentions. This is where you getter better connected to you and others while building bonds and business. 

Don’t compare yourself to others. Declare yourself to others. And leverage on better language to do that!

See you soon!

Peter Gibson, Team Isabelle Gibson Harry Norman Realtor, Creator of Cross Coaching™

Text: 770-317-1009

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